
Markdown Cheatsheet

A showcase of markdown's possibilities

— a 1 minute read

This is a level 1 title

This is a level 2 title

This is a level 3 title

This is a level 4 title

This text is important

This text is really important

This is a famous quote -from a famous author 1

  1. This is the first element of an ordered list
  2. And this is the second one !
  • This is an unordered list
  • and you can write as many points as you’d like
    • You can even write nested points
      • And nested nested points

This is used for code but you can use it to highlight text ==And you can also use that to highlight==

You can make links like this

And insert images like this \/

This is an image hey

And you can even do images with a link like this \/

this is an image A clickable google image

Text can be striked through like this

Title Description
A title And a description
Another title And another description
test de truc
  • Build a task list
  • Use it
  • Then do another one
<div class="presentation">
	{#if metadata.hero}
		<div class="hero">
			<img src="/images/hero/{metadata.hero}" alt={metadata.hero_alt}/>
		<time datetime={metadata.date}>
			{new Date(metadata.date).toLocaleDateString("en-US", { year: "numeric", month: 'long', day: 'numeric' })}
		— a {metadata.readTime} minute{metadata.readTime > 1 ? "s" : ""} read
	<div class="categories">
		{#each metadata.categories as category}
			<a href="/blog?category={category}">{category}</a>


  1. An example of footer content